Wednesday 23 August 2017

Must go place in Kuching

In Sarawak, the environment is the good place to be visited as it is rich of different flora and fauna that you can't be find in other place. Besides, here also have lots of museum like Penang but it is slightly different.

1. Bako National Park

A National Park since 1957, Bako offers the perfect introduction to Sarawak’s forests and wildlife.  The park covers the northern tip of the Muara Tebas peninsula, an area of 27 sq km.  Despite its seemingly small size, Bako contains a wide range of vegetation – swamp forest, scrub-like padang vegetation, mangrove forest, dipterocarp forest, delicate cliff vegetation and more.   In fact, at Bako it is possible to see almost every type of vegetation found in Borneo. Bako also contains a rich variety of wildlife and a coastline covered with small bays, coves and beaches.  The park has a number of well-marked trails offering interesting walks ranging from short pleasant strolls to serious full-day hikes.  Unlike some national parks, visitors to Bako are almost guaranteed to see wildlife. 
It is 2 hours from Kuching town and we need pass through a long road journey and sea to go there. For those who wants to have the night sight, you may stay at the hotel there with the restaurant.

2.Mount Santubong

It is located about 35 km north of the state capital Kuching. You need to pass through it before reach the Santubong Resort and Damai Resort. You may find it looks like the face of someone who is laying. Every morning, you may see lots of hiker cars down there and they go climb it. They get ready all the stuff that needed before start their activities. It is a interesting and challenging job to keep in touch with the environment.
3. Matang Wildlife Centre
Matang Wildlife Centre, part of Kubah National Park, houses endangered wildlife in large enclosed areas of rainforest or spacious cages. The main attraction is the orang utan adoption programme, where young orang utans, who were either orphaned or rescued from captivity, are taught how to survive in the wild. As well as orang utans, the centre includes spacious enclosures housing sambar deer, crocodiles, sun bears, civets and bear cats, and three large aviaries featuring hornbills, eagles, kites, storks and a host of other birds native to Sarawak.
There are some pleasant riverside picnic spots a short walk from the information centre and four jungle trails. The Pitcher Trail, which follows a circular path through the forest, takes approximately two hours and trekkers should not have too much difficulty in spotting the various specious of pitcher plants that litter the forest.

4. Semenggoh Wildlife Rehabilitation Center

It is a place conducted by Sarawak Forestry to helps the wildlife especially the orang utan species animal. At here, you may see lots of orang utan with different species. You may feeding them by pay the money at the entrance counter when you buy the ticket. It is a good place to gain the experience and knowledge.or at the sides of the trail. The Rayu Trail leads to the Kubah National Park headquarters and takes 3-4 hours. The Sungai Buluh Trail leads to two secluded waterfalls and takes 2-hours (one way).

5. Fort Margherita

Fort Margherita was built in 1879 to guard Kuching’s river approaches from pirates. In the old days, a canon shot was fired from here every evening to mark the end of the government work day. Named after Charles Brooke’s wife, Ranee Margaret, it is a unmistakable landmark along Sarawak River. It is now a history place to be visited and you may see the mistress and her two son had been buried outside.
6. Sarawak State Museum

The Sarawak State Museum (MalayMuzium Negeri Sarawak) is the oldest museum in Borneo. It was founded in 1888 and opened in 1891 in a purpose-built building in KuchingSarawak. Naturalist Alfred Russel Wallace encouraged Charles Brooke, the second White Rajah of Sarawak, to establish the museum. It is just next to the Merdeka Parade Hotel. You may visit the Hero's Monument and others museum beside it.
 7. Kuching Cat Museum

The World’s first Cat Museum, devoted to all things feline, is in Petra Jaya in the Kuching City North City Hall. Cat lovers will find a range of exhibits, photos, feline art and cat souvenirs; over 4,000 of them. The museum is housed on the ground on the City Hall building, spread over four galleries covering a total area of 1,035 sq meter.
A fee of RM3 is charged for camera and RM5 for a video camera. You will passing through it when you go and back from Damai, Matang and Santubong.

8. Jong Crocodile Farm

The Crocodile Farm is located about 29km (18 1/2 Mile) from Kuching City, just off the Kuching-Serian Highway on the way to Skrang River, Batang Air Resort. It is easily accessible by road, which takes only 20 minutes by car and is a popular stop-over for tourists and locals enroute to Skrang River Safari for an adventure of a lifetime.

It is a good place to know about the lifespan of crocodile as it had small museum and the crocodile feeding show in selected time daily. 

Monday 7 August 2017

Kuching Fair 2017

As we know, Kuching will have Kuching Fair every year around July till August. (the date change every year)
This year it has more food than previous year but the price is quite high (in my opinion).
Here is some food I had that are special.
TALLEST American Cone Ice Cream

This is a 3 topping icecream which you may choose by yourself.  It is big and you may share it. Its price is RM 9.

This is the long potato. Here we may see about three stall had the same things like potato story, potato king. You may choose the topping for it like mayonnaise, tomato sauce, cheese , seaweed powder and so much more. Its price is RM 16.(different stall different price)

It is a mango icecream that full with fresh mango. It is at the back of the fair. Its price is around RM 9.

For those who like matcha or japanese green tea, here is a good place. You may find it in icecream or drinks.
Matcha icecream

Here are actually two types of Matcha flavours. If you like a heavier Matcha taste, go for the 100% Super Concentrated Matcha! Otherwise, you can also get the 50% Concentrated Matcha.
And guess what? You can have two mixed flavours at a time! You can mix and match your Matcha ice cream with Dragon Fruit, Strawberry, Mama Cookies, Dark Chocolate and other varieties~ And the Dragon Fruit ice cream is 0% fat! We recommend the Super Concentrated Matcha + Dragon Fruit combination!
Matcha drink

 It costs RM5 and you may choose different flavour like orange juice, 
dragonfruit and so much more.

 There are three main layers to this Cream Puff. There is a crunchy butter biscuit on the outside and a crispy charcoal inner skin. Then the custard on the inside is thick and super fragrant, and just the right amount of sweet. Overall, the texture is soft, and it’s like biting into a cloud ! You may choose different topping inside like chocolate, green tea and cream.